Your Business

Your solicitor, a consultant to business owners

Solicitors provide consultancy services to business owners. They deal with all aspects of business law: selection of the company (legal and tax) status best suited to the owner’s business plan, setting up a company and taking care of its legal management, restructuring, by-laws amendments, (acquisition and) disposal of shares, mergers, demergers and, broadly speaking, all matters related to legal entities.

Solicitors also draw up agreements for the sale of commercial or craft businesses, deal with leases and lease transfers and, generally speaking, draft all contracts pertaining to the economic activities of a company such as lease financing, franchises and controlling interest transfers.


Monthly report

image-ptz SIMULATOR PTZ+
How much is your
loan at zero rate + ?
image-simulateur CREDIT SIMULATOR
Estimate your loan capital
and calculate your
future monthly payments.
image-frais-de-notaire LEGAL FEES
Calculate your acquisition costs.